Unity Pro 5.5 (Win/Mac) V5.5.2


You can create any 2D or 3D game with Unity. You can make it with ease, you can make it highly-optimized and beautiful, and you can deploy it with a click to more platforms than you have fingers and toes. What’s more, you can use Unity’s integrated services to speed up your development process, optimize your game, connect with an audience, and achieve success.

Renowned throughout the industry as the multiplatform game engine, Unity allows you to target more devices more easily. With Unity, you get one-click deployment to the full range of mobile, VR, desktop, Web, Console and TV platforms.

Shop in the Asset Store directly from the Unity Editor or your web browser. With thousands of ready-made free or for purchase assets and production tools, you are sure to find something tailored to your specific needs. Select from a vast array of Editor extensions, plug-ins, environments and models and much more.

Other Pro features also included:

  • Performance Reporting
  • Cloud Build: concurrent builds
  • Multiplayer: 200 CC users
  • Unity Ads
  • Analytics: Raw data + 5,000 analysis points
  • Unity Dark Skin UI editor
  • Unity certification curriculum